domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
Bowl with running spiral decoration
Bowl with running spiral decoration
Classic Kerma
about 1700–1550 B.C.
Findspot: Kerma, Nubia (Sudan)
blossoms, with a rosette on the base. Inscription on the base has been translated by G. Posener as “To Humbaba.” Mended and restored in 1941.
From Kerma, K I (Lower Deffufa), Room L, west side, hard debris. 1913: excavated by the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts Expedition; assigned to the MFA by the government of Sudan.
domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015
Hammamat expedition: first wonder
Hammamat expedition: first wonder
Hammamat expedition: first wonder
viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015
Sarcophagus with Separate Cover
Sarcophagus with Separate Cover
Found in a royal tomb, this sarcophagus, or monumental coffin, housed the mummy of a prince or his wife. A pattern of niches imitating the designs on palace walls decorates its surface, alluding to the sarcophagus's function as the deceased's final home. Holes drilled in each end of the lid allowed poles or ropes to be inserted in order to carry it and position to be inserted in order to carry it and position it on the box.
•Place Excavated: Giza, Egypt
DIMENSIONS 51 1/4 x 93 1/4 x 41 in. (130.2 x 236.9 x 104.1 cm)
Red granite sarcophagus with separate cover. No inscription. Facade panelling around all exterior surfaces of box. Upright, running full width at each end of cover, each with two drill holes. Cover undecorated and perhaps unfinished. Rebate on under-side of cover. Probably belonging to prince Akhet-hotep. Condition: Three corners of box chipped. Scattered chips along base. Lower edge of cover chipped. General condition excellent. Very slight remains of paint along upper borders of box.
Brooklyn Museum
sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015
Object 22/273: fragment of red granite stela showing Akhenaten adoring the Aten. The hieroglyphic text records the name of the place ‘the Sunshade of the King’s daughter Meritaten in Maru-Aten in Akhetaten’. Meritaten’s name replaces another name.
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015
G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III . and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub
G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III
and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub
and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub
The first boat is of yellow painted wood. On the deck is a wooden frame with, at the centre, a cloth canopy draped over it which reaches down to the deck, for protection against the sun (see cm-097-02). A man appears to be seated on top of the canopy, perhaps a flattened section which could be the bridge. It is quite possible that the framework stretched across the deck, from side to side, and that a blanket covering stretches along the top. The boat is propelled (on the port side) by eleven rowers. At the front, the pilot holds in one hand a long probe, with which he would test the depth of the water, whilst his other arm is folded across his chest. At the centre, very damaged, stands a woman. At the stern, three men hold the oar-shaped rudders.
The second boat is almost identical to the first, but this one has a rear-facing animal head on the prow (see cm-097-01). Only eight men operate the oars of this boat, and at the rear two operate the rudder oars. The pilot again holds his probe in one hand, but he holds the other to his head, in order to protect his eyes from the sun. In the middle of the craft, a character holds on to one the beams which support the canopy.
G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III .
and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub
A fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Userhet,
A fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Userhet, first prophet of the royal ka of Tuthmosis I, showing the gift of the tree goddess: loaves, figs, a pomegranate, grapes and a honeycomb. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th Dynasty, c. 1500 BC. Place of Origin: Thebes, tomb TT51. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 127.
Cosmetic spoon in the form of a hand holding a shell
Cosmetic spoon in the form of a hand holding a shell. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 18th Dynasty, c 1600 - 1295 BC. Place of Origin: New Kingdom. Material Size: glazed frit, l = 15 cm. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/Christie's, London . Location: 38.
relief. hands
Relief from the White Chapel of Sesostris I. The chapel was built to celebrate the 'sed festival', the festival connected with the royal jubilee during which rituals of renewal and regeneration took place. Entwined hands. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egypt. Date/Period: 12th Dynasty 1971-1926 BC. Place of Origin: Karnak. Material Size: Limestone. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ . Location: 76.
B. VAN DE WALLE, Antiquités égyptiennes, in Les antiquités égyptiennes, grecques, étrusques, romaines et gallo-romaines du Musée de Mariemont, Bruxelles, 1952, p. 29-31; ID., «La “Cléopâtre” de Mariemont», in CdE, 47, 1949, p. 19-32; ID., «Un nouveau document concernant le prétendu groupe d’Antoine et de Cléopâtre», in CdE, 49, 1950, p. 34-35; M.-C. BRUWIER, «Les fragments d’une statue colossale de reine ptolémaïque à Mariemont», in Amosiadès. Hommages au Professeur Cl. Vandersleyen, Bruxelles, 1989, p. 45-58; ID., «Deux fragments d’une statue colossale de reine ptolémaïque à Mariemont», in CdE, 64, 1989, p. 25-43; Chr. ZIEGLER (éd.), Reines d’Égypte. D’Hétephérès à Cléopâtre (catalogue d’exposition. Monaco, Grimaldi Forum, 2008), p. 290; Cl. DERRIKS et L. DELVAUX (éds.), Antiquités égyptiennes au Musée royal de Mariemont, Morlanwelz, 2009, p. 90-91.
B. VAN DE WALLE, Antiquités égyptiennes, in Les antiquités égyptiennes, grecques, étrusques, romaines et gallo-romaines du Musée de Mariemont, Bruxelles, 1952, p. 29-31; ID., «La “Cléopâtre” de Mariemont», in CdE, 47, 1949, p. 19-32; ID., «Un nouveau document concernant le prétendu groupe d’Antoine et de Cléopâtre», in CdE, 49, 1950, p. 34-35; M.-C. BRUWIER, «Les fragments d’une statue colossale de reine ptolémaïque à Mariemont», in Amosiadès. Hommages au Professeur Cl. Vandersleyen, Bruxelles, 1989, p. 45-58; ID., «Deux fragments d’une statue colossale de reine ptolémaïque à Mariemont», in CdE, 64, 1989, p. 25-43; Chr. ZIEGLER (éd.), Reines d’Égypte. D’Hétephérès à Cléopâtre (catalogue d’exposition. Monaco, Grimaldi Forum, 2008), p. 290; Cl. DERRIKS et L. DELVAUX (éds.), Antiquités égyptiennes au Musée royal de Mariemont, Morlanwelz, 2009, p. 90-91.
'The lady of Brussels'
'The lady of Brussels'
'The lady of Brussels', from the Hagemans collection, is one of the oldest known examples of large-scale statuary in stone. Its archaic style allows it to be dated to the beginning of the 3rd Dynasty. The standard conventions of Egyptian statuary are already clearly in use here. The symmetry of the face and the wig is perfect. The left arm is folded across the chest, the right arm is stretched out close to the body and the legs are close to...gether. The 'lady' is dressed in a long robe which hugs her figure.
'The lady of Brussels', from the Hagemans collection, is one of the oldest known examples of large-scale statuary in stone. Its archaic style allows it to be dated to the beginning of the 3rd Dynasty. The standard conventions of Egyptian statuary are already clearly in use here. The symmetry of the face and the wig is perfect. The left arm is folded across the chest, the right arm is stretched out close to the body and the legs are close to...gether. The 'lady' is dressed in a long robe which hugs her figure.
martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015
The tomb TT45
The tomb TT45 was carved during the period of Amenhotep II (c. 1427 – 1400 B.C) for Djehuty, an official of modest rank
This central part is bordered on each side by a thick line constituted of a floral motif, of two Egyptian ladders and of blue stripes. There prevails a section of the face, as well as the name of Djehutyemheb (view yr-71)....
The main part of the following motif is formed by an image of the hieroglyph denominating the west, which appears to come out from the Theban Mountain; it is crowned by a falcon that carries on his head the solar disk surrounded by a uraeus. On either side one can find several individuals in the position of adoration.
• At the bottom, the two goddesses Isis and Nephtys, accompanied by the Ba bird, salute the deceased that is reborn from the mountain of the west alike a new sun (view yr-69).
• In the middle, one can distinguish two divine winged characters with, in front of them, the hieroglyph of the star, the verb “to adore” (view yr-68).
• At the top one can find some baboons, who are always associated with the rising sun, which they greet through their wails. For the ancient Egyptians, certain animals, such as the baboon, posses a hidden knowledge, and even the correct words, in order to converse with the gods. Thus, they appear as the ideal worshipers of the sun god.
We also find the “souls” (Bau) of Pe and of Nekhen (view yr-70). These “souls”, or preferably these forces, are gods representing the Predynastic kings that managed the south and the north of the country, which are considered as the protectors of the living monarch – the defenders of royalty. They equally appear during the religious processions. Their presence in a funerary context, as is the case here, is quite rare. The Bau of Pe (or Buto, town formed by the association of Pe with Dep), capital of the Delta, have falcon heads; however, the Bau of Nekhen (or Hierakonpolis), ancient capital of Upper Egypt, have jackal heads. They are represented here in a characteristic attitude, with a knee on the ground, an arm raised, and the other bent over the chest (henu gesture).
This central part is bordered on each side by a thick line constituted of a floral motif, of two Egyptian ladders and of blue stripes. There prevails a section of the face, as well as the name of Djehutyemheb (view yr-71)....
The main part of the following motif is formed by an image of the hieroglyph denominating the west, which appears to come out from the Theban Mountain; it is crowned by a falcon that carries on his head the solar disk surrounded by a uraeus. On either side one can find several individuals in the position of adoration.
• At the bottom, the two goddesses Isis and Nephtys, accompanied by the Ba bird, salute the deceased that is reborn from the mountain of the west alike a new sun (view yr-69).
• In the middle, one can distinguish two divine winged characters with, in front of them, the hieroglyph of the star, the verb “to adore” (view yr-68).
• At the top one can find some baboons, who are always associated with the rising sun, which they greet through their wails. For the ancient Egyptians, certain animals, such as the baboon, posses a hidden knowledge, and even the correct words, in order to converse with the gods. Thus, they appear as the ideal worshipers of the sun god.
We also find the “souls” (Bau) of Pe and of Nekhen (view yr-70). These “souls”, or preferably these forces, are gods representing the Predynastic kings that managed the south and the north of the country, which are considered as the protectors of the living monarch – the defenders of royalty. They equally appear during the religious processions. Their presence in a funerary context, as is the case here, is quite rare. The Bau of Pe (or Buto, town formed by the association of Pe with Dep), capital of the Delta, have falcon heads; however, the Bau of Nekhen (or Hierakonpolis), ancient capital of Upper Egypt, have jackal heads. They are represented here in a characteristic attitude, with a knee on the ground, an arm raised, and the other bent over the chest (henu gesture).
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