viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III . and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub

G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III .
and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub

The first boat is of yellow painted wood. On the deck is a wooden frame with, at the centre, a cloth canopy draped over it which reaches down to the deck, for protection against the sun (see cm-097-02). A man appears to be seated on top of the canopy, perhaps a flattened section which could be the bridge. It is quite possible that the framework stretched across the deck, from side to side, and that a blanket covering stretches along the top. The boat is propelled (on the port side) by eleven rowers. At the front, the pilot holds in one hand a long probe, with which he would test the depth of the water, whilst his other arm is folded across his chest. At the centre, very damaged, stands a woman. At the stern, three men hold the oar-shaped rudders.
The second boat is almost identical to the first, but this one has a rear-facing animal head on the prow (see cm-097-01). Only eight men operate the oars of this boat, and at the rear two operate the rudder oars. The pilot again holds his probe in one hand, but he holds the other to his head, in order to protect his eyes from the sun. In the middle of the craft, a character holds on to one the beams which support the canopy.
G7530 - 40, the double-mastaba of Meresankh III .
and its rock-cut chapel, G7530sub

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