Statue of a woman
This statue of a woman from the second half of the Ptolemaic Period is striking on account of its rather unnatural proportions. The volume of the head is magnified by the wig. The length of the body is short, the small of the back narrow, the arms very long, and the hips and thighs plump. The woman wears three items of clothing over one another: a dress, the upper edge of which is visible at the top of the neck, a skirt which covers the body below the chest, and a shawl thrown over the shoulders, the fringes of which hang down over the right arm. She wears jewellery, mostly of Greek style, consisting of a collar of rounded beads, bracelets on her arms, large arc-shaped earrings, and a diadem. The back pillar bears a single vertical column of hieroglyphs giving the name of the owner and her parents.
Present location KMKG - MRAH [07/003] BRUSSELS
Inventory number E.5335
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Height 35.7 cm
Width 10.8 cm
Words to be spoken by Taisis, daughter of Paheb, true of voice, born of Apollonia.
Bibliography•L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions égyptiennes des Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles, Bruxelles 1923, 95 nº 356
•De vrouw in het rijk van de farao's. Zes kunstwerken uit de Egyptische verzameling van de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis - La femme au temps des Pharaons. Six oeuvres d'art de la collection égyptienne des Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (Exposition), Bruxelles 1985, 14-15 n° 102
•F. Lefebvre et B. Van Rinsveld, L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes, Bruxelles 1990, 170
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