sábado, 5 de marzo de 2022

Atef Crown from colossal statue of Ramesses II

 Atef Crown from colossal statue of Ramesses II (Acc. 1783) The crown from an over-lifesize, red granite statue of Ramesses II in the form of the god Osiris. This is the 'atef' crown usually worn by Osiris, with ram's horns, a tall central element, and feathers on the sides. On the back pillar of the statue, an inscription gives the names and titles of Ramesses II and refers to his jubilee festival (sed-festival) 70.5 x 49.5 19th Dynasty Koptos (Qift), Upper Egypt Acquisition: Haworth, Mr Jesse (Donation, 1893-1894) Presumably from the Petrie excavation at Koptos 1893-4) Bibliography W. M. Flinders Petrie, "Koptos." (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1896) Pg. 16 "By the Isis steps was also found a large headdress of Ramessu II, of the usual Osiride form; it must have belonged to a colossus of the king. (Manchester.)"


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