fuente: guardins.org

templo mortuorio. fuente: touregypt

lo que han puesto para evitar que caigan piedras, claro que si se desprende una grande arrastra el artilugio.
año 2009

rampa procesional

Se trata de la fosa de la barca funeraria.

Djedefre fue el primer faraón que ostentó el título de "Hijo de Ra", posiblemente él eligió esa zona para construir su pirámide porque está la zona situada al este de Heliopolis

foto del corredor descendente, también de la misma fuente. touregypt

fuente imagen: talkingpyramid
vídeo interectivo
Abu Rawash, Abu Raboach , Abu Roach, Abu Roash.
Al Norte de Giza, a unos 8 kms encontramos esta zona donde se encuentra la pirámide de Djedefre y otras pirámides y donde un equipo de excavadores encontró restos de una cuarta pirámide.
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Djedefre’s Pyramid
Djedefre’s Pyramid
Egypt’s northern-most pyramid belonged to Khufu’s son, Djedefre. Not much remains of the pyramid but we can still learn a lot from what is left.
It is not known why Djedefre chose to build his pyramid at Abu Roash rather than next his father’s pyramid at Giza. It has been suggested that it might have been because this location was nearer to being directly west of Heliopolis, centre of the sun cult. Djedefre was the first pharaoh known to take the title ‘Son of Re’.
A number of the many casing stones that still lie around the site have a very steep angle of 60 degrees. Was Djedefre building a step pyramid, or perhaps a mastaba like those of Khentkawas and Shepseskaf? Surely 60 degrees was much too steep for a pyramid.
Excavations on the north side of the pyramid have uncovered a foundation bed with an angle of 18 degrees meaning that when the casing is in place it’s angle would be reduced to 48 degrees.
What is thought to be Djedefre’s burial chamber would have lied deep under the pyramid at the bottom of a 21 m deep pit. The bottom of the pit is 23 x 10 metres and is accessed via a 49 metre long corridor sloping north at an angle of 22 degrees and 35 minutes.
Remains of a satellite pyramid can be found on the south-western corner of the pyramid.
A boat pit and mortuary temple are located on the eastern side of the pyramid.
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