The finely painted coffin of Nakht-ankh, discovered in a rock-cut tomb at Beni Hasan. The coffin is a good example of the classic Middle Kingdom type, a simple rectangular box with a flat lid. It was intended to represent the House of the Spirit of the deceased, the painted
The panel of the coffin nearest to the head on the left-hand side has a double wedjet eye painted on it, this was to enable the deceased to see out. The body was placed on it's left side, facing east and to the area of the tomb where the offerings were made. The doors painted on the head end allowed the spirit to exit the coffin and partake of the offerings left for it.
Htp dj nsw [n] wsjr nb Ddw nTr aA nb AbDw dj-f prt-xrw t Hnqt kA.w Apd.w Ss mnHt snTr xt-nb.t nfr.t wabt anx.t nTr jm n kA n jmy-r Hwt-nTr Nxt-anx
jmAx r Jmsty Nxt-anx jmAx r Sw jmy-r Hwt-nTr N//////// ///fn/////Nxt-anx jmAx r dwA-dj.t -f Nxt-anx
jmAxy xr Nbt-Hwt jmAxy xr Nt Nxt-anx jmAxy xr psDt nt //////////////
Htp dj nsw [n] Jnpw tp Dw=f jmy-wt nb tA-Dsr qrs.t nfr m smt jmntt xpj=f m Htp sp sn m js=f n Xr(T)-nTr jmy-r Hwt-nTr Nxt-anx
jmAxy xr Hpy Nxt-anx jmAxy xr Nwt jmy -r Hwt-nTr /////////// jmAxy xr Gb /////////// jmAxy xr QbH-snw-f ////// Nxt-anx
jmAxy xr Ast Nxt-anx jmAxy xr srqt ////////// jmaxy xr ////////////////
fuente: global egyptian museum
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