lunes, 24 de julio de 2017


Deir el-Medina ostraca: a selection of economic records
wood supply for the king's tomb
back and right
Petrie Museum


Contributor: Alain Guilleux / Alamy Stock Photo

domingo, 23 de julio de 2017


Drawing of a Ramesside King and Two Standing Figures
ca. 1295–1070 B.C.
Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes, Valley of the Kings, Davis excavations, before 1913
Gift of Theodore M. Davis, 1914 (14.6.191)

TT181, the tomb of Nebamon and Ipuky

This barque is pulled by another, somewhat larger, where is preserved the most beautiful scene of ancient Egyptian mourners (similar to the better known one of Ramose, TT55, dating from the same period).

The women, in a state close to hysteria, give the impression of extreme sadness, and the artist worked so well this fairly new theme in Egyptian craftsmanship that it is possible to think of the...m being agitated in all senses and that their howling can be heard (as still heard at the time of the funerals in Arabic countries nowadays). This taste for over-emphasis and complication can still be found during the Ramesside period. The men, who are seated with their arms wrapped around their knees, seem to be a thousand miles from all this agitation, almost indifferent. According to Sweeney, it refers to a social convention: the men don't have to show their tribulation in public. All of this activity takes place on the roof of the cabin, possibly made necessary by the lack of space. This lack is because a crew is represented, with rowers, a helmsman, a man of prow announcing the direction to take according to the sandbars, and a man at the stern, standing in a very decorative structure

TT181, the tomb of Nebamon and Ipuky
This continues the weighing of the heart (Chapter 125 of the BoD) where Pennut with Takha, both justified, are presented to Osiris by Horus-son-of-Isis
Osiris is seated on a cube shaped throne placed in a shrine whose door is open. Before him is a la
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La scène de chasse aux oiseaux prend place dans un cadre de 1,48m de large et 1,18m de haut. Elle est remarquable de par la préservation miraculeuse de sa polychromie, qui donne une idée de la chatoyance que devait avoir toute la pièce à l'origine.
Autre point intéressant : la scène présente des retouches gris-noirâtre, notamment derrière la tête de Merefnebef, en continuité avec les modifications apportées à la scène de pêche qui se situe plus à droite. Nous reviendrons sur leur signification.
On peut subdiviser la scène en trois : au centre, Merefnebef sur son bateau ; devant lui, le marais ; derrière lui, des porteurs d'offrandes.

 La tombe de Merefnebef a été découverte en 1997 sur le site de Saqqara par une équipe du Centre d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l'université de Varsovie, dirigée par le Pr Karol Myśliwiec. La découverte succédait à deux années de travail de repérage sur le terrain, notamment géophysique, suivi de sondages.