miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022

Documento en piedra

Documento en piedra que muestra una enfeudación de territotio
Babilonia, periodo de marduk-apla-iddina II
(721-711a. C)
mármol, 45 cm de altura
inv VA 2663
Pergamon Museum




Inventory number 3812
Archaeological Site UNSPECIFIED
Height 42 cm
E. Schiaparelli, Museo Archeologico di Firenze-Antichità Egizie, Roma, 1887, pgg. 189-90, n. .1495.
J.H. Breasted, Egyptian Servant Statues, Washington, 1948, pg. 31, tav. 30b..


Small amphora with the name of Ramesses II

Small amphora with the name of Ramesses II
This miniature amphora with a flat body, high shoulder and oval base is made from hard, light brown amphora clay. On one side of the body is a cartouche with the prenomen of Ramesses II in relief.
Seipel, W. (ed.), Götter Menschen Pharaonen, Speyer (1993) = Dioses, Hombres, Faraones, Ciudad de México (1993) = Das Vermächtnis der Pharaonen, Zürich (1994), Nr. 130.
Inventory number 6673


domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2022


Egypt, First Intermediate Period - early Middle Kingdom, 2134-1991 B.C. Sculpture; models Wood, gessoed and painted Height: 7 1/4 in. (18.42 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (51.15.10) Egyptian Art Currently on public view: Hammer Building, floor 3

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

public domain




Egypt, Early Ptolemaic Period, circa 300 B.C. Sculpture Limestone 


Gift of Varya and Hans Cohn (AC1992.152.63) Egyptian Art Currently on public view: Hammer Building, floor 3

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

public domain




Egypt, New Kingdom, early part of 20th Dynasty (1200 - 1150 BCE) Tools and Equipment; ostraka Limestone 5 1/8 x 5 11/16 in. (13 x 14.5 cm) Gift of Carl W. Thomas (M.80.203.189)
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
public domain




Un reperto del tempio di Iside di Benevento conservato nella sezione egizia del Museo del Sannio, presso il museo ARCOS. Statua forse del dio Anubi.

public domain



Frammento di bassorilievo

Un reperto del tempio di Iside di Benevento conservato nella sezione egizia del Museo del Sannio, presso il museo ARCOS. Frammento di bassorilievo

public domain




Un reperto del tempio di Iside di Benevento conservato nella sezione egizia del Museo del Sannio, presso il museo ARCOS: leoni in granito.

public domain



Statue of the god Thot as a baboon

Statue of the god Thot as a baboon, from the Temple of Isis in Benevento, Italy, and now kept at the Arcos museum, Benevento

public domain



Statues of the god Horus as a hawk

Statues of the god Horus as a hawk, from the Temple of Isis in Benevento, Italy, and now kept at the Arcos museum, Benevento.
public domain



Statue of the emperor Domitian as a pharaoh

Statue of the emperor Domitian as a pharaoh, from the Temple of Isis in Benevento, Italy, and now kept at the Arcos museum, Benevento.

public domain



Fragment of a large statue in red granite, of Ramesses II

Fragment of a large statue in red granite, of Ramesses II. Beside his face is a cartouche bearing his throne name. The block was re-used in approximately 1000BC in the temple of the cat goddess Bast, at Bubastis in the Delta. On the back of the fragment are the carved figures of priests in procession, probably used to decorate the great hall of the temple.
Inventory number : 21 3 89 1 // 03/061/3527


jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Figurines in the shape of the goddess Bastet

Figurines in the shape of the goddess Bastet. 9: Saite period (XXVI Egyptian dynasty) and Lagid kingdom (Inv. G 1842, E 500-17). Number 13: end of the Saite period, c. 500 (Inv. L 286, L 275); 14: Bastet figurines with female body and cat's head, Lagid kingdom (inv. L 269, H 1549). Lyon Museum of Fine Arts.

public domain



Bust of a notability

Bust of a notability

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

public domain



Masque funéraire de femme

Masque funéraire de femme

Plâtre anciennement polychrome, vers 40-55 après JC

MBA Lyon inv 1280

public domain



Funerary model: bark

Funerary model: bark

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

public domain




Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

public domain



Ear Stela.

 Ägyptisches Museum.
Ear Stela.
public domain.



miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022

Bust of Ramesses the Second

Bust of Ramesses the Second
This bust depicts a seated statue of Ramesses the Second.
He is portrayed wearing a round wig, to which the uraeus, or cobra, is attached, a broad collar that covers his chest, and a pleated outfit with wide sleeves.
A bracelet decorated with the sacred Udjat eye adorns his wrist and in his right hand he holds the Heka scepter.
Inventory number CG 616


amulet basket

As an amulet, the basket was associated with the cat-goddess Bastet. Statuettes of Bastet frequently show her carrying basketfuls of kittens. This amulet is remarkable for its openwork design.
Cleveland Museum of Art

public domain




Used in the home like an icon, this shrine was originally provided with two wooden doors, hinged at each side and bolted in the center. The upper and lower sockets for the pivots of these doors still survive. The worshiper opened the doors to reveal the representation of King Tuthmosis III seated in front of an offering table. The hieroglyphic inscription at the base tells us that the shrine was made for the tomb worker Amenemheb. The carving is clearly in the style of Tuthmosis III's reign, showing that such objects of private veneration were produced during the king‘s lifetime.


public domain


Falcon's Head

Egypt, New Kingdom, late Dynasty 18 (1540-1296 BC) or early Dynasty 19 - Falcon's Head - 1914.708 - Cleveland Museum of Art

public domain




The ancient Egyptians used wooden headrests as pillows. Stone headrests were replicas made for the tomb. This example is inscribed on the top of the supporting column for "the king’s noblewoman, Irut."

Cleveland Museum of Art

public domain



Book of the Dead of Hori

Book of the Dead of Hori, about 1969-945 BC, New Kingdom, Dynasty 21, papyrus section 1 - Cleveland Museum of Art

public domain



martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022


figurilla realizada en hueso catalogada por Petrie como UC26087
encontrada con otros depósitos en la tumba 562 en Qau (Qaw wl Kebir, Antopolis
Museo Petrie, Londres



lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

Group of Ramesses II and Hathor.

Group of Ramesses II and Hathor.
This fragmentary statue comes from the excavations of W. F. Petrie at Serabit el-Khadim and was found at the entrance of the temple of Hathor, "Mistress of Turquoise". It figures the king Ramesses II who holds the <A HREF="God">goddess</A> Hathor by the hand. The back of the statue carries an inscription of four columns of hieroglyphs formulating the wish that the king realises "a million sed-festivals" (jubilees).
Inventory number E.5012
L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions égyptiennes des Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles, Bruxelles 1923, 65 nº 271
Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings VII 357
B. van de Walle, La publication des textes des Musées: Bruxelles (Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire) dans Textes et languages de l'Égypte pharaonique. Hommage à Jean-François Champollion, Le Caire 1974, 175
F. Lefebvre et B. Van Rinsveld, L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes, Bruxelles 1990, 126



[1] ptH nb-mAat nswt-tAwj / sDm nHw
[2] nb-tAwj wsr-mAat-ra stp-n-ra / [nb-xaw] ra-msj-sw mrj-jmn
[3] wsr-mAat-ra stp-n-ra / ra-msj-sw mrj-jmn
[4] nswt Ds=f Hr dj(t) HD jxt nbt nfrt nt pr-nswt / n ms n pA mSa hr=tw / Hr prj n rA=f ms jmn Hr jaj [...] / [...] dj=f aSAwt jxt r [...]
[5] ra-msj-sw mrj-jmn / ra-n-HoAw
[6] Dd.jn Hm=f n pA mSa / jx mA=Tn nA n jrjt n waw / mrjt n Hm=f ms m-bAH / pr-aA nfr.wj n<=j> jrj.n=f wr sp sn
[7] Dd.jn pA mSa r-Dr/=f m saA nb=sn ntk ra / tw=k mj-od=f wbn/=k anx=n n mA=k Hr ntj / jrj waw ms / n sA aA n ra-msj-sw mrj-jmn mrj-jtm / [...]
Inventory number 0374
Roeder, G., Die Denkmäler des Pelizaeus-Museums zu Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1921, S. 96-97, Abb. 33.
Roeder, G., Ramses II. als Gott : Nach den Hildesheimer Denksteinen aus Horbêt, in: Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 61, Leipzig 1926, S. 65-66, Abb. 2.
Porter, B. & Moss, R.L.B., Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings, vol. IV : Lower and Middle Egypt, Oxford 1934, S. 26.
Habachi, L., Khatâ'na-Qantîr : Importance, in: Annales du Service des Antiquités de L'Égypte 52.2, Le Caire 1954, S. 443-562 (S. 535).
Habachi, L., Features of the deification of Ramesses II (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo, Ägyptologische Reihe 5), Glückstadt 1969, S. 29-31, Fig. 17.
Kayser, H., Die ägyptischen Altertümer im Roemer-Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1973, S. 59-60, Abb. 51.
Götter und Pharaonen, Hildesheim 1979, Kat.-Nr. 186.
Kitchen, K.A., Ramesside Inscriptions : Historical and Biographical; vol. III, Oxford 1980, S. 263-264.
Das Menschenbild im Alten Ägypten, Hamburg 1982, Kat.-Nr. 26.
Eggebrecht, A. (Hrsg.), Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim : Die ägyptische Sammlung, Hildesheim - Mainz 1993, Abb. 67.
Kitchen, K.A., Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated and Annotated : Translations; vol. III, Oxford 2000, S. 187-188.
Seipel, W., u.a., Ägypten : Im Reich der Pharaonen; Auf der Suche nach Schönheit und Vollkommenheit, Leoben 2001, Kat.-Nr. 4.


Stela including the god Min

Stela including the god Min, Qetesh and Resheph. Made of limestone. 19th dynasty. ÄS 1012
Kunsthistorisches Museum

public domain



cat nursing kittens

cat nursing kittens
Kunsthistorisches Museum

public domain



domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022

Statuette ushabti of a Concubine

Statuette ushabti of a Concubine, with naked body, jewelry underlying the breasts and shaved pubis with visible vulva, and wearing a heavy, erotically-connotated wig. Painted wood, Middle kingdom.

Musée d'archéologie méditerranéenne de Marseille

public domain



Bust of a civil servant wearing the cartouche of Ramesses II

Bust of a civil servant wearing the cartouche of Ramesses II on the shoulders. Limestome, New Empire.

Musée d'archéologie méditerranéenne de Marseille

public domain



portrait of a woman

Romano-Egyptian mummy portrait of a woman, Roman Imperial Period, 120-140 A.D., from Hermopolis, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen

public domain





Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen

dominio público



statua del faraone amasis

Xxvi dinastia, statua del faraone amasis, 543-526 ac., da iseo di campo marzio, inv. 35, 01

Musei Capitolini

dominio público




Musei Capitolini, Rome

dominio público




Museos Capitolinos. Cocodrilo, del Serapeo de Roma.





Monkey, MC inv. 26, Egyptian, 30th dynasty, 359-341 BC, granite, view 2 - Musei Capitolini - Rome

public domain




viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

stele di horus sui coccodrilli

Arte egizia, stele di horus sui coccodrilli, quarzite, bassa epoca

Cabinet des médailles, Paris

public domain



statua mascolina

Arte egizia, statua mascolina, fine dell'antico regno

Cabinet des médailles, Paris

public domain



Statuette en bronze

Statuette en bronze à incrustation d'or : Imhotep - Égypte entre le Ve et le Ier siècle av. J.C. - hauteur environ 20 cm - Cabinet des médailles, ancienne collection Caylus, puis Louis XV - n° Inv 65-5646
Cabinet des médailles, Paris

public domain