lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Double coffin of Usirmose

Double coffin of Usirmose
Three anthropoid coffins of the Theban priest Usirmose are known. The exterior coffin is in the Musée Curtius (Eg. 83) in Liège, and the two others are kept in Brussels. The larger of the two coffin bears the face of Usirmose, who wears a simple striped wig, and on his chest is a collar. The lid bears a single vertical column of hieroglyphic text; one further line of inscriptions runs round the base. The smaller coffin, in which the mummy was placed, is entirely covered with texts and with representation of a variety of beings and divine objects. A figure of the goddess Nut is to be found on the underside of the lid, while the bottom of the base depicts a djed-pillar (a symbol of Osiris) placed above an 'Isis knot'.
Present location KMKG - MRAH [07/003] BRUSSELS
Inventory number E.5889
Dating 25TH DYNASTY AND CONTEMPORARIES (not before); 26TH DYNASTY (not after)
Archaeological Site DEIR EL-BAHARI ?
Material WOOD
Width 63 cm
Bibliography•L. Speleers, Recueil des inscriptions égyptiennes des Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles, Bruxelles 1923, 82-83 nº 312
•M.-P. Vanlathem, Oudegyptische lijkkisten en mummies - Cercueils et momies de l'Égypte ancienne, Bruxelles 1983, 18-19
•M. Raven, Mummies onder het mes, Amsterdam 1993, 112

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