jueves, 10 de agosto de 2017

TT82, the tomb of Amenemhat

TT82, the tomb of Amenemhat

This tomb can be distinguished from the other tombs of the time by the quality of the realization of the scenes, as depicted in the scenes of offering to ancestors and artists (see bs-38021), or the offering table before Amenemhat. The composition is airy, balanced, the drawing is very regular and precise, and the colours are particularly well chosen in certain scenes, as they are complementary, with brick red and Verona green for example. The scenes are well composed, even though they are as banal as the representations of offerings and banquets, which are very numerous in Amenemhat’s tomb.
But like all Egyptian artists, the one of the tomb shows great accuracy in the observation of animals, especially the observation of their gait, which seems even more natural than that of men
TT82, the tomb of Amenemhat

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