martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020

Statuette of a woman sitting on a seat

Statuette of a woman sitting on a seat
This statuette, which dates to the Ptolemaic Period (compare with Brussels E.3073), represents a woman sitting on a seat with a short back, which has the form of the hieroglyphic sign serving to reproduce the word "set" (seat) and the name of the <A HREF="God">goddess</A> Isis. The woman, wearing a wig in three parts, is clothed in a round-necked long dress. On the four sides of the seat one notices grids, which seems to indicate that the statuette was used as a model by sculptors.
Inventory number E.8723
Eeuwige steen - Pierre éternelle (Exposition), Bruxelles 1990, 209 n° 105
W. Seipel, Gott. Mensch. Pharao. Viertausend Jahre Menschenbild in der Skulptur des Alten Ägypten (Exposition), Vienne 1992, 470-471 n° 194


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