domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2020

Figure from a mummy-bead net: textcolumn with Anubis

Figure from a mummy-bead net: textcolumn with Anubis
The object is a figure that was originally incorporated in a large bead net, consisting of cylindrical beads with (at least) ten figures made of smaller beads. This is a vertical column of text, topped with a reclining Anubis, facing left in concordance with the direction of the hieroglyphs. Some cylindrical beads, part of the bead net, are still attached to the column.
Inventory number APM 8523
Dating PTOLEMAIC PERIOD (not after); LATE PERIOD (not before)
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Category BEAD NET
Material FAIENCE
A boon, which the king gives to Osiris, the great god, lord of the sky, that he may give a beautiful funeral in the necropolis.
M.H. Groothand, Drie laat-Egyptische aanwinsten van het Allard Pierson Museum, MVAPM 1 (december 1970), 2-7: 3-4/fig. [1]
H.E. Frenkel, De Vereniging van Vrienden en de collecties van het Museum, MVAPM 31 (oktober 1984), 15/fig. 1
W.M. van Haarlem, R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Gids voor de afdeling Egypte, Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, 1986, 85
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl, 1992, 53, 55
G. Jurriaans-Helle, Blijken van vriendschap, MVAPM 61 (december 1994), bijlage (nr. 7)
W.M. van Haarlem, CAA Allard Pierson Museum, Fasc. IV, 1997, 38-41

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