miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2022

Bust of a statue of Sethos I

 Bust of a statue of Sethos I

Statue fragment, preserved from the nose to the navel, and depicting the king in a close-fitting pleated garment. In his right hand he is holding the crook (heqa-sceptre), the only sign that this is a royal piece. On his head, very unusually, is not the usual royal head-dress or Nemes but rather the long striated wig known from private sculpture. Although what is left of the inscription on the back pillar mentions three different monarchs of the New Kingdom, the form and style make it almost certainly a statue of Sethos I. Although very damaged, this is a piece of unusual perfection, something achieved only by a few statues of this period.

Inventory number 5910


Rogge, E., Statuen des Neuen Reiches und der Dritten Zwischenzeit. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (CAA) Wien 6 (1990), 67-73.

Seipel, W. (ed.), Gott Mensch Pharao (1992), Nr. 106.


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