sábado, 19 de junio de 2021

DEIR EL-BAHARI Shrine of the Goddess Hathor


DEIR EL-BAHARI Shrine of the Goddess Hathor
This shrine and the cow's statue were retrieved from under heaps of debris south of the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. The shrine is from the reign of Tuthmosis the Third. Its roof is painted blue with yellow stars to imitate the Vault of Heaven.
On the front wall, Tuthmosis the Third is burning incense and pouring a libation in front of Amun-Re. The same scene is depicted on both of the side walls.
At the end of each scene, the king repeats the ceremonies of worship four times before the goddess Hathor, here represented as a woman. He then consecrates offerings to the figure of Hathor depicted as a cow standing in her shrine. There is a small image of Tuthmosis the Third painted in black beneath the cow's head. Another image of Tuthmosis the Third, nude and painted black, shows him suckling milk from the cow's udder.
To the left, Tuthmosis the Third is helped by his Queen, Meretre. To the right, the king stands followed by the royal daughter and sister, Meritamun, together with a second woman whose name has been obliterated.
Inventory number JE 38575

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