domingo, 13 de junio de 2021

Doll with Hair of Mud Beads


Doll with Hair of Mud Beads

The flat wooden doll has hair made of mud beads, which are attached to the head. The head itself is a small ball of black fabric. A white bead stitched to the face represents one eye; the other eye is missing.

The body is a vertical wooden paddle shape with two small hands. The upper part of the piece of wood has drawings in black, which include dots, depicting a pectoral and breasts. Several dots fill a triangular shape that represent the feminine parts.

The upper part is decorated with four vertical lines separated by diagonal stripes. The middle part has long vertical lines with diagonal hatching in between. The hatching is alternatively lined to the right and left like the pattern on the upper part. This pattern alternates between red and black colors.

The lower part has a checkered design painted in red and black alternately.



Inventory number JE 56274


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