sábado, 19 de marzo de 2022

Head of a private person's statue

Head of a private person's statue
Most likely the head belonged to a statue of a private person. It has broken off at the neck, at the right side some parts of neck and shoulder have been preserved. The head has been delicately carved, close attention has been paid by the artist to the details of the wig and the eyes. The short, closely fitting wig is commonly attested on private statuary of the Old Kingdom, mostly used in funerary chapels or tombs.
Inventory number APM 381
Dating 5TH DYNASTY (not after); 4TH DYNASTY (not before)
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Category STATUE
Technique HEWN
Height 12 cm
Width 11.5 cm
Depth 11.2 cm
C.W. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Catalogus eener Verzameling Egyptische, Grieksche, Romeinsche en andere Oudheden, 1905, 55/pl. II (nr. 14)
G.A.S. Snijder (ed.), Algemeene Gids Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, 1956 (tweede druk), 7/pl. I (nr. 24)
diversen (J.F. Borghouts), Selected Pieces Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, 1976, 10/pl. 2
B. Porter, R.L.B. Moss, Topographical Bibliography VII, 1951, 401
W.M. van Haarlem (ed.), CAA Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, Fasc. 1, 1986, 1-2
W.M. van Haarlem, R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Gids voor de afdeling Egypte, Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam, 1986, 51, 52/fig. 30 (nr. 2)
G. Jurriaans-Helle, Een Egyptische krultang, MVAP, 56, 1993, 6-8: 8/fig. 5
R.A. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Egypte, geschenk van de Nijl, 1992, 36, 37/fig. 16


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